After nearly bursting from excitement I can FINALLY release the amazing news!
Several months ago I was one of the 70 applicants to be accepted from dozens of individuals for the Business Accelerator Program through the Brampton Entrepreneur Centre. The end goal of this program is to provide young entrepreneurs with the education and confidence to pursue their careers, and for those that who scored high enough, a $5000 grant to grow their business from the city of Brampton!
Over the course of three months, each applicant had to complete weekly lectures, quizzes and assignments in order to progress to the next stage. After successful completion of the course, I was qualified to participate in the next part of the program. This involved submitting a business plan to be marked by industry professionals. In order to move on to the final stage – a live pitch in front of a panel of judges, the business plan submitted had to obtain a grade of over 80%. After much hard work, I was informed that I was one of the 9 remaining participants who made it to the pitch round!
Only given 5 minutes each to address and impress, all remaining participants had to individually pitch in front of a live panel of judges and partake in a 10 minute Q & A session. Despite a slight hiccup (read: multiple simultaneous volcanic like bath bomb explosions – ask me in person for those details) it was flawless and one of the best presentations I have accomplished to date. It wasn’t long after that I heard back from the program coordinator who announced that Tropho was the recipient of the $5000 grant!
I feel so happy that I can finally share this with you all! I didn’t meant to keep anyone in the dark, I simply prefer to keep quiet and let my successes speak in due time. Thank you to everyone for all of your continued love and support! I am truly blessed to have the most wonderful customers and clients and interacting with you is always the most pleasant experience. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to take part in a program like this and look forward to sharing more good news as it happens!
The big moment! Do I look awkward? I’ve never held a cheque that big before!
Of course Mom and Baba wanted to be there for the official moment!
Clearly not excited at all…
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?