
A Story of Blood, Sweat and Bath Bombs

After nearly bursting from excitement I can FINALLY release the amazing news! Several months ago I was one of the 70 applicants to be accepted from dozens of individuals for the Business Accelerator Program through the Brampton Entrepreneur Centre. The end goal of this program is to provide young entrepreneurs ...

Basil Almond Pesto

Basil is one of my favourite herbs to eat, and pesto is definitely my favourite way to enjoy it. Basil is not only delicious but also great for you. It is a great anti inflammatory and also full of antioxidants like Vitamin A and Vitamin K. Pesto is so versatile ...

5 Ways to Prolong That Hard Earned Tan

Written by Allanah Canal, CNP. Summer may be slipping away a lot faster than we’d like, but that doesn’t mean your beautiful bronzed skin has to go with it! Lets get real – the sun has been limited and after your diligent efforts to absorb as much of those rays ...

Toasted Coconut and Honey Colada

Bring the tropics to you with this sweet and creamy treat! This smoothie is not only high in antioxidants like Vitamin C, it is also a great source of minerals like potassium and magnesium. The typical colada is high in processed sugar and alcohol which are definitely not the ideal ...

Strawberry Coconut Milkshake

Summer is well on its way and that means its high time to do away with hot beverages. Break out the blender because its a perfect time to whip up a cool and sweet treat. What you will taste is a creamy, strawberry concoction, but what you are actually drinking ...

Crunchy Chocolate Bar

“Healthy “and “delicious” are two words we all want to see more of together and today is your lucky day because this sweet treat is the perfect hybrid of those great traits! This is also the perfect recipe to sneak some extra nutrition into unsuspecting snackers, as you can add ...

Chocolate Chip Cookies

  When you have that cookie craving and just can't shake it, this is the perfect recipe for you! I said "you" instead of "you, your family, and friends" because once you taste these there's no way you are sharing them. These can be whipped up in about half an ...

The Facts About Aphrodisiacs

The debate of aphrodisiacs and their ability to spice up your love life has always been a heated one. Whilst some individual’s legacies are due entirely to their life long commitment to these types of foods (Casanova, anyone?) many modern medicine practitioners tout the supposed benefits of aphrodisiacs. While most ...

I’d Like to Clear the Air

With the cold weather here our sleeves are rolled down and windows are rolled up. This is great for keeping our houses warm but it's unfortunately terrible for keeping the air we breathe clean. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the air inside our homes and work environments can ...

Best Baths Ever

  Making a point to have a long soak in some steamy and sudsy water is not something many of us take the time to do these days, unless you’re me of course. It seems the fine art of the bath has been lost in this modern time of convenience, ...
